Ah, Thanksgiving Day. Boy wants to watch a football game. Girl wants this and that. Dad wants runescape. I have begun to cut my way to wealth and my herb lore goal. I'm a Lumber Jack, and I'm OK. But as everything in runescape, I have also set another goal of fletching 65 so I can fletch yew shortbows. Never the linear path.
At work, the Hirst Arts blocks have taken a break. The projects have slowed for some reason. It is ok. I have grown tired of scrapping the dried mess off the counters. One of the projects, a stone house, took on the look of a stone trailer. That is now someone else's start of a tower. The great pyramid has stalled. The Roman Temple is a disaster. Ah, education. We will re-light the fires and get them done before the end of the quarter.
Conan: Last Sands of the Dragon
8 years ago