I guess it has been a while since I did anything on this site. Runescape is still an interest but several other games have taken center stage. Red Dead Redemption took me away from the internet for a long while...
Minecraft brought me back to it along with Skyrim.
Realm of the Mad God is also a time suck. The figures, as always, stand waiting for me to paint them. The Throne of Bone still mocks me as it has since the late 80s.
There has been an interest in D&D too.... 1st Edition. I have no real intrest in paying the coin for the current editions that they keep changing. Just give me the basics and then let the house rules spring from there. Let Wizards beat the game into the earth with all the changes and the cost for their books and modules. If you got a brain, some graph paper and dice... you got all that you need.